
Yapay Zeka Destekli Nöroteknoloji Ürünü Auto Tr...
Disleksi, DEHB ve diğer öğrenme güçlükleri yaşayan çocukların ve yetişkin bireylerin bilişsel becerilerini iyileştirmeyi amaçlayan, nörogeribildirim tabanlı mobil uygulama ürünü Auto Train Brain 8.2 milyon USD değerleme üzerinden Pera Yatırım...
Yapay Zeka Destekli Nöroteknoloji Ürünü Auto Tr...
Disleksi, DEHB ve diğer öğrenme güçlükleri yaşayan çocukların ve yetişkin bireylerin bilişsel becerilerini iyileştirmeyi amaçlayan, nörogeribildirim tabanlı mobil uygulama ürünü Auto Train Brain 8.2 milyon USD değerleme üzerinden Pera Yatırım...

How can we protect our mental health? 10 ways t...
Mental health is an important part of our overall health and directly affects our quality of life.
How can we protect our mental health? 10 ways t...
Mental health is an important part of our overall health and directly affects our quality of life.

Why is the link between dyslexia and mental hea...
Although dyslexia is commonly known as reading and writing difficulties, the effects of this learning disorder are not limited to language skills. It has a significant impact on the overall...
Why is the link between dyslexia and mental hea...
Although dyslexia is commonly known as reading and writing difficulties, the effects of this learning disorder are not limited to language skills. It has a significant impact on the overall...

Special problems that may arise during adolesce...
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder usually diagnosed in childhood and characterized by symptoms such as attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
Special problems that may arise during adolesce...
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder usually diagnosed in childhood and characterized by symptoms such as attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Summer vacation tips for children with learning...
Summer vacation is a time that children look forward to with great excitement, but it can also bring some challenges for children with learning disabilities and their families.
Summer vacation tips for children with learning...
Summer vacation is a time that children look forward to with great excitement, but it can also bring some challenges for children with learning disabilities and their families.

Why is EEG (Electroencephalography) important f...
Learning disabilities and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are common neurodevelopmental conditions that affect the lives of children and adults. These conditions can negatively affect individuals' success in daily life,...
Why is EEG (Electroencephalography) important f...
Learning disabilities and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are common neurodevelopmental conditions that affect the lives of children and adults. These conditions can negatively affect individuals' success in daily life,...