PCT/TR2017/050572 (2021)
Inventors : Gunet Eroglu,Mujdat Cetin,Selim Balcisoy
Articles published in international refereed journals: |
EROĞLU GÜNET, ARMAN FEHİM (2022). k-Means clustering by using the calculated Z-scores from QEEG data of children with dyslexia. Applied Neuropsychology-Child, 0(1), 1-7., Doi: 10.1080/21622965.2022.2074298 (Publication No: 7686462) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET, TEBER SERAP, Ertürk Kardelen, Kırmızı Meltem, EKİCİ BARIŞ, ARMAN FEHİM, Balcısoy Selim, Özcan Yusuf Ziya, ÇETİN MÜJDAT (2021). A mobile app that uses neurofeedback and multi-sensory learning methods improves reading abilities in dyslexia: A pilot study. Applied Neuropsychology-Child, Doi: 10.1080/21622965.2021.1908897 (Publication No: 7110398) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET, GÜRKAN MERT, TEBER SERAP, Ertürk Kardelen, Kırmızı Meltem, EKİCİ BARIŞ, ARMAN FEHİM, Balcısoy Selim, Özgüz Volkan, ÇETİN MÜJDAT (2020). Changes in EEG complexity with neurofeedback and multi-sensory learning in children with dyslexia: A multiscale entropy analysis. Applied Neuropsychology-Child, 11, Doi: 10.1080/21622965.2020.1772794 (Publication No: 6998344) |
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B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings : |
EROĞLU GÜNET, ÇETİN MÜJDAT, Balcısoy Selim (2018). Electroencephalographic identifiers of reading abilities in turkish language. SIU2018, Doi: 10.1109/SIU.2018.8404701 (Full Text Publication/Oral Presentation) (Publication No: 7705100) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET, ÇETİN MÜJDAT, ARMAN FEHİM, Balcısoy Selim, EKİCİ BARIŞ, GÜRKAN MERT (2018). Can we predict who will respond more to neurofeedback with resting state EEG?. TIPTEKNO2018, Doi: 10.1109/TIPTEKNO.2018.8596857 (Full Text Publication/Oral Presentation) (Publication No: 7705104) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET (2022). A mobile app that uses neurofeedback and multi-sensory learning methods improves reading abilities in dyslexia: A pilot study. Global Webinar on Public Health , Neurology & Mental Disorders (Abstract/Guest Speaker) (Publication No: 7733443) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET (2022). Auto Train Brain improves fast brain waves in comorbid learning disabilities with atypical autism: A pilot study. ASES INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONFERENCE (Abstract/Oral Presentation) (Publication No: 7733439) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET (2022). Auto Train Brain increases the variance of the gamma band |
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EROĞLU GÜNET (2022). Comparison of the efficacy of multi-modal neurofeedback from 5 and 14-channel EEG headset: A pilot study. 9. Uluslararası Istanbul Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi 2022 (Full Text Publication/Oral Presentation) (Publication No: 8311961) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET (2022). A pilot study found that visually and vocally |
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GÖKSU BEŞKAYA ZEYNEP,GÜRKAYNAK NİLGÜN,EROĞLU GÜNET (2024). Case Study: Auto Train Brain Finding New Markets for an EEG-Aided Learning Software. TIPTEKNO2024 (Abstract/Poster) (Publication No: 9128161) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET,ABOU HARB MHD RAJA (2023). Assessing Dyslexia with Machine Learning: A Pilot Study Utilizing Google ML Kit |
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EROĞLU GÜNET (2022). Auto Train Brain increases cognitive abilities in a boy |
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C. Authored national/international books or chapters in books: |
Beynin ve Yapay Zekanın Yarattığı Fonksiyonel Bağlantısallık ve Enformasyon (2023)., EROĞLU GÜNET, Ekin Yayınevi, Edition No:1, Pages 99, ISBN:978-625-6952-57-7, Turkish |
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Beyin bilimine popüler bakış (2021)., EROĞLU GÜNET, İkinciAdam, Edition No:1, Pages 250, ISBN:978-625-7583-64-0, Turkish |
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C. Authored national/international books or chapters in books: |
Dijital Psikiyatri, Chapter name:(Gelisimsel disleksi ve otizm spektrum bozuklugu tedavisinde özgün bir nörogeribildirim yöntemi: Auto Train Brain) (2022)., EROĞLU GÜNET, Savaş Dilara, EKİCİ BARIŞ, Türkiye Klinikleri, Editor:Bildik, Tezan, Edition no:1, Pages 146, ISBN:978-625-401-648-6, Turkish |
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D. Articles published in national refereed journals : |
EROĞLU GÜNET (2024). Measuring the gamma band entropy variance is a novel method to compare the efficacy of neurofeedback in the left temporal region and in the right temporal region for dyslexia: Pilot study. Acibadem Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Dergisi, Doi: 10.31067/acusaglik.1281312 (Control No: 9074755) |
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D. Articles published in national refereed journals : |
EROĞLU GÜNET (2023). A comparison of Auto Train Brain neurofeedback rewarding interfaces in terms of efficacy. Acibadem Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Dergisi, 14, Doi: 10.31067/acusaglik.1136359 (Control No: 8311881) |
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EROĞLU GÜNET (2019). Home Based Neurofeedback and GFCF Diet for Improving Developmental Brain Conditions. Dergipark-Journal of Medical Innovation and Technology (Control No: 7705106) |
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E. Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in |
EROĞLU GÜNET, ÇETİN MÜJDAT, Balcısoy Selim, AYDIN SERAP (2018). Improving cognitive functions of dyslexies using multi-sensory learning and EEG neurofeedback. SIU2018, Doi: 10.1109/SIU.2018.8404711 (Full Text Publication/Oral Presentation) (Publication No: 7705097) |
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KARABİBER CURA ÖZLEM,Yaşar Çıklaçandır Fatma Günseli,EROĞLU GÜNET (2024). Diagnosis of Dyslexia using 2D EEG Feature map and Convolutional Neural Network. TIPTEKNO2024 (Full Text Publication/Oral Presentation) (Publication No: 9128176) |
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KARABİBER CURA ÖZLEM,ÇIKLAÇANDIR FATMA GÜNSELİ,ÇIKLAÇANDIR SAMET,EROĞLU GÜNET (2024). Detection of Dyslexia Using EEG Signal Decompositional technique: Variational mode decomposition and derivatives. TIPTEKNO2024 (Full Text Publication/Oral Presentation) (Publication No: 9128183) |
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Technical Notes, Case Reports, Research Notes, etc. |
Case Report, EROĞLU GÜNET, EKİCİ BARIŞ (2020). Neurofeedback improves EEG complexity and social interaction in a boy with autism: A case report. J Surg Med.(2), 161-163., Doi: 10.28982/josam.638667 (Publication No: 7691391) |
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